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Hello. Using RB 2024 Build 3
1. Imported a BIAB song with RealTracks. Style _CWALZFP
2. Got some extra drums. Muted them.
3. A and B markers got changed.
4. Playback and recording from Chords window seem ok.
5. Playback and recording from Tracks or Mixer window is randomly cutting in and out, tempo might be changing. It's unlistenable.

Any ideas?

It plays perfect here. Check to see if the midi version of the drums is playing, it should be the last or bottom track.

Check to see if your audio settings are right.
If you also have Reaper you can just open the frozen SGU file in Reaper with Open SGU in Reaper (just make sure you are using version 6.57 up if you have wma else wav will work in any version):

[Linked Image]
Thanks for the suggestions. I do not have reaper.

If the tracks window is visible, I have erratic playback. If I close it or replace it with the chords window, then I have normal playback.

For comparison, I tried a midi-only file, and there were no problems. Then I imported a BIAB file using the _OCCULT real style, and it also would not properly play back with the Tracks screen visible, just as above.

lets start at the beginning ..only way ..
please read my tips in tips forum first post....includeing optimising a pc for music production.
this will link to a utility called latency monitor which will assess
suitability of your pc for music production.

if your pc passes the test...please post back details of your pc includeing amount of ram and graphics capabilities.
what is your usb audio interface ??
its difficukt to suggest solutions without knowing some details of your pc...

i may be way off base as im not there to look at your pc in detail but i find it interesting that playbach is good in chords view but not tracks view which might mean something might be amiss in your pc...dunno...step at a time.

but start with latency monitor....and report back.


Hi John,

I see you've been using PG Music products for a long time. So I'm guessing that everything has been working well for you in the past.

One question, when you say that you "imported a BIAB song," do you mean that you opened an SGU/MGU file that you first created and saved in BIAB or did you drag tracks across from BIAB?

Also (this would apply if you opened a BIAB SGU/MGU file), the reason that you are probably getting more drums (which I'm guessing were MIDI drums), is because you might be generating the MIDI chart for the Realdrums. If you open "Options | Preferences" and then click on tab #7, you can disable generating Realcharts.

[Linked Image]

If it is an SGU song file that you loaded into BIAB, is it possible for you to upload the file to something like Dropbox and make it available as a link in this thread so that I can try it? You comment about part markers changing has me perplexed.


Attached picture Realcharts - deactivating 2024.jpg
Thank you Noel. Yes, I have been at this a long time, and this is new with the latest patch.

I opened the file in two ways. If I import the SGU/MGU/MGX into RB, then it does seem to be generating extra drums. I don't understand this, but I am able to mute them. Thank you for the helpful reminder of the tab layout. I will be conscious of this.

If I import a MIDI only file, then there are no issues.

That the issue is software, seems evident in that a) the program has worked for years and b) it works fine in some configuration of visible windows and not with others. If the problem were hardware, this would not be the case.

I have created a trouble report with PG and will report back once it gets sorted out. The fact that no one else seems to have this problem suggests a corrupted file somewhere.


If you are using different drivers than those I've highlighted in the image below, it would be worth changing to what I have listed and then seeing if that works for you. MME won't be any good for recording because it will have a noticeable lag associated with it. That said, it's worthwhile testing if things run smoothly with MME because it's one of the friendliest drivers with BIAB/RB. If this do work smoothly (even if there is lag), this would help narrow down the problem.

[Linked Image]

Attached picture audio setup 2024.jpg
Hi Noel. My Audio was set for 16 Bit 44.1, and the Driver type was Windows Audio. I tried both MME and ASIO but nothing changed.

Is RB 2024 Build 1 or 2 doing the same ?
Ember from PG has solved the issue for me. It was, as I suspected, corrupted configuration files. Thank you to everyone who stepped up to help.

Thank you Ember for rocking the solution.

Hi John, Please revisit your initial post in this thread and use the button to mark the thread as resolved. That will help other users that are searching for solutions to similar issues.
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